Monday, May 16, 2011

film analysis

ordinary world:
Sam Flynn's ordinary world is just that, the real world. he drives a Ducati, lives in two storage crates, and likes to piss off the police. Every day is just like the last till he goes to his fathers old shop and discovers and accesses the portal to The Grid.

the call to adventure:
Sam's  call to adventure was when an old friend got a page from the old arcade. Sam goes to check it out and fall upon the portal to The Grid and is puled into a whole new world that is like one big video game.

refusal of the call
Sam refuses the call when he first enters The Grid. he also refuses to take down clu and just wants to go home.

meeting the mentor:
The mentor in this film is Sams father who has been trapped in The Grid. He helps Sam get back to the portal.

crossing the threshold:
crossing the threshold is when Sam heads out in the middle of the night to go to the portal he is soon fallowed by his freinds when he gets into a little bit of trouble.

test, allies, enemies
the hero goes through many tests and meets many enemies. He has to battle people on light bikes and using disks. people they think are allies turn out to be enemies and they almost are stopped.

approach to the cave
approach to the cave is when Sam and Quorra are riding the freight train headed to the portal and to clus headquarters.

the ordeal
Sam gets caught by clu and has to battle his way out of a tricky situation and make it to the portal when out letting clu out.

Sams reward is that he gets to go back home and he brings Quarra who is played by Olivia Wilde. and she is a total babe.
the road back:
the road back in tron is simply going through the portal.

Clu tries to go through the portal with them.

Return with elixir:
Sam is back home to his Ducati with Olivia Wilde on the back.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Space Bound

Marshal Mathers, a deranged and heart broken rap sensation has sworn off any love for "hoes" but this promise ro himself is broken when an unknown lady irresistibly enters his life. Falling to deep in love, Mr. Mathers can't handle another good bye. this heart brake sends him into a violent rege that would lead to a very life changing decision for both him and the unknown woman.

Where'd You Go

Mike Shinoda ha a dream of a career in rap , but the sacrifice of his family is holding him back and lingering in the back of his mine. Every one at home is sick of his behavior and all though they are all wanting success for him they cant help but ask where did he go?

Bohemian Rhapsody

These guys are on drugs.

Letters From Home

A young man goes off to war with out the consent of his stubborn father. Being a soldier is a tough job and the only thing that can keep him going are the letters from his mother and fiance. He reads his letters he jokes with his pals and acts like they ain't scared and there boots ain't muddy. They always laugh and make fun of his home until the day he got a letter from his dad letting him know how proud he is of him. and no one laughed as the solider cried.

Stacy's Mom

At FOW high school it was every boys dream to be with head cheerleader Stacy Fountain. Every one except Wayne. Wayne was an estranged boy who had an infatuation with women a bit more "mature." So who else a better candidate for his high school crush than Mrs. Fountain her self. I know it might be wrong but Waynes in love with Stacy's mom.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

song stories

"Why" by Jason Aldean
Characters- Jason, girl
Plot- loves the girl and doesn't want to loose her
Conflict- he keeps treating her wrong
Setting- unknown
Theme- don't go ruining a god thing

"Space Bound" by Eminem
Characters- Marshal, girl
Plot- he loves the girl and cant live with out her
Conflict- she leaves him
Setting- unknown, space
Theme- love makes people do crazy things

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Status update

CHASE KAYLOR  Wants to write a deep little saying or line from a song that no one else will get so he can be like every one else. But he has nothing to complain about. He could make a quote on how he loves life be he's afraid that would make him sound like a chick. But he figures the more he writes on this status update the less people are gonna read it cause let's face it we're all to lazy to read the long ones from some random guy you had in your English class sophomore and the only reason you added him was because it seemed like the cool thing to do at the time. Of course this person is not chase. Remember the beginnings of face book when every one wrote in third person because they felt so clever cause ever update started with there name. Chase feels clever. He thinks He's ranting but that's ok cause he already mentioned how no ones going to read the long ones anyway. Ok well he's finished....... Haha no he's not jk he really is now.

There was too many characters to post on face book

Extra 5

What hero am I? (It has been said adaptation)
It has been, It has been, It has been said
That there has been known to be bloodshed over bread
So tonight as I ready for bed I bow my head, I pray for the ones dead. Those not filled by love but lead, hate, greed, and fear instead.

I pray for the innocent harassed by a predator
weather its their dealer or creditor, if they're the columnist or editor
they're still a competitor.
I pray for the ones who can't fend for there own.
for the ones waiting for a bone, caught in the undertone surrounded by ones they love but yet they feel so alone.

I pray I pray
Why do I pray?
God wont wait to help tomorrow he'll work through us today
He wont change our problems and throw them all away. He must work through us. We have to save the day

What hero am I as I lay in bed and wish,
that every child has a dish, weather is pasta or fish. the deserve the chance to flourish.
 I need not to mope
but get out and stir hope, as the world strings it's own rope. What hero am I? seeing the dealers slinging dope, people chewing cope, making bombs from soap, blindly fallowing there own pope

What hero am I?
Am I a hero

Monday, March 21, 2011


I'm tired of girls
I'm tired of high school drama and all the people who think it matters
I'm tired of school in general
I'm tired of Jimmer
I'm tired of every teenage boys hate for Justin Beiber, I mean ya gotta give it to the kid he's got some talent for such a pappy little guy
I'm tired of getting pulled over by small town cops who have nothing else to do
I'm tired of being small and young and not being able to make a difference
I'm tired of having a great opinion but who cares cause it's coming from a stupid 18 year old boy
I'm tired of untalented people steeling all the fame from those who've put in the work to be something great. I don't mean to point fingers (ke$ha)
I'm tired of my job.
I'm tired of hippies trying to change everything in this country to compensate with their appeariant drug problem
I'm tired of people who think photography is deep because they can take a picture of a shadow of a chair and call it art cause it can have a double emotion
I'm tired of being ordinary
I'm tired of glee
I'm tired of complaining on a blog instead of being out in the world trying to change what I feel are issues
I'm tired
It's 12:03
I'm tired

Friday, March 18, 2011


What is love? Baby don't hurt me. Baby don't me. oh oh ooh oh
What is love?
Love is a detour sign with no rode block
Love is an escalator.even if it fails there still a way to move forward.
Love is an old chevy, if you keep it tuned up and treat it well it will run forever.
Love is another would for happiness, sadness, regret, envy, hope, and even hate.
Love is the Assembly instructions to who you are but once again they're written is Swedish
Love is ever song written in the 90's
Love will make us stronger than superman who only has one weakness
Love is our kriptonite
What is love?
All you need is love! A girl has got to eat. All you need is Loove! Ill wind up on the street.
All you need is love!
All you need are those blue eyes staring right at you with out a care in the world.
All you need is thought of her in the back of your mind to push you to be a better man
All you need is that sweet little giggle she makes when ever you hurt your self
All you need are those simple pointless texts, good morning, whats up?, good night, i love you
All you need is her by your side to keep you from becoming the monster every man is destined to become with out the love of a good woman.
All you need is love!

Monday, March 7, 2011

boulevard of broken dreams

                I walk alone, I walk alone, I walk alone down an open highway. Its a two lane road with a double yellow line running between my feet. Clean, smooth, new asphalt on the on coming side, loose gravel filled with pot holes on the out going. I walk between. In walk alone. I walk alone. A wilting cornfield on left with a broken down shed far in the distance birds circle the roof. A soft wind blows causing the ripped stained curtains to flutter. To the right is a field of daisies with a blue home just adjacent to  the shed on the left. A warm glow comes from the window of the front window. I walk alone. I walk alone. The sun is always setting, the moon is always rising but neither move an inch. I walk alone. I walk alone. No cars pass no voices are heard I walk alone I walk alone. alone.

Monday, February 14, 2011

thinking of you

I'm thinking about you like flowers think about dirt, like dirt thinks about footprints, like footprints think about detectives, like detectives think about killers. I'm thinking about you like killers think about having soul but not being soldiers. Like a soldier thinks about home, like home thinks about the range like the range think about antelope like antelope think about hunters, I think about you like hunters think about camo, like camo thinks about a tree, like a tree thinks about birds, I think of you like a bird thinks about music, like music thinks about love, like love thinks about me, like I think about you, I think

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

direct orders

You are under direct orders to ROCK OUT !!
Rock out like what ever you ordered from Amozon came early
Rock out like you passed accounting
Rock out like you just registered a new truck under your name
Rock out like that cute girl just asked you for a ride home in your new truck
Rock out she just kissed you good night
Rock out like an Italian
Rock out like queen, journey, and meat loaf came together and wrote a ballad in Russian
Rock out like nelsons playing snake
Rock out like Batman 3 just came out
Rock out like your in a 1980's Montage
Rock out like class isn't over so you gotta stop blogging and go to second period and have to finish this later. which is exactly whats happening
Rock out like your back and you just watched the super bowl and green bay won!!
woot woot
rock out like you didn't capitalize the beginning of the line but you don't care cause your to cool for school
Rock out like you do care cause your to school for cool
Rock out like you just got out of the shower and there was a dry towel hanging right there and you didn't have to run to the laundry room wet and naked
Rock out like you found Chinese  in your fridge and it didn't have a name on it
Rock out like every clock is broken but every speakers bumpin
Rock out like black Michael Jackson
Rock out like white Michael Jackson's lawer
Rock out like your coming onto the 6th page of a 5 page paper
Rock out with your glass half full cause even though it's Monday, it's still pay day
Rock out like your just met Bill Murray and got zombie kill of the week
Rock out like you just went to that restaurant with the sign for the best pie in America, and they were right
Rock out like you've just spent the last half hour trying to come up with clever little positive situations that would cause you to rock out, and you've decided this was your last one.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Ello pupet,
      Thats a line from Pirates of the Caribian, so thats cool right. Any how I'm making blog and it just might pretty much completely blow your mind! I have to do it for a class in school but while I'm here I might as well make it like a combination of JesuS and Tallahasse from Zombie Land. Which would be awesome. (If you didn't notice I capitalized the first and last letter of JesuS, now thats what I call symbolism)
      So I just found out that the tab button on my computer doesn't work, or its this website, I dont know. This blogging stuff gonna be an adventure cause Im pretty much awesome with computers. Damn I forgot I'm typing and you can't here the sarcasim in my thoughts. Well it was there, and it was some good sarcasm. Another thing you'll notice as I spill out my random thoughts on this blog is that im an amasing speler and im so excited blog spot doesn't have spell chek so I show my wicked spelling skills.( oops I used sarcasm again, I really suck at this crap)
     conclutions have always been my week point in writing and its Tuesdy. I hate Tuesdays. So Im not gonna do one.