Monday, February 14, 2011

thinking of you

I'm thinking about you like flowers think about dirt, like dirt thinks about footprints, like footprints think about detectives, like detectives think about killers. I'm thinking about you like killers think about having soul but not being soldiers. Like a soldier thinks about home, like home thinks about the range like the range think about antelope like antelope think about hunters, I think about you like hunters think about camo, like camo thinks about a tree, like a tree thinks about birds, I think of you like a bird thinks about music, like music thinks about love, like love thinks about me, like I think about you, I think


  1. Nice. Maybe switch it up though by not going down linear lines of this thinks about this, and this thinks about this.

  2. hey! i liked how you would write one thing and then import it into the next sentance :D

  3. Good work. I really like how you did the detectives to detectives to killers to killers to soldiers, I hope you get what I mean haha but I'm guessing you do.

  4. I like how one thought evolved into another thought, that was a cool.

  5. i really like it! my favorite part is the soldiers think about home! thats cool!! good work!

  6. I really like hope everything is connected!!! I can see you put thought into this!
