Wednesday, February 2, 2011

direct orders

You are under direct orders to ROCK OUT !!
Rock out like what ever you ordered from Amozon came early
Rock out like you passed accounting
Rock out like you just registered a new truck under your name
Rock out like that cute girl just asked you for a ride home in your new truck
Rock out she just kissed you good night
Rock out like an Italian
Rock out like queen, journey, and meat loaf came together and wrote a ballad in Russian
Rock out like nelsons playing snake
Rock out like Batman 3 just came out
Rock out like your in a 1980's Montage
Rock out like class isn't over so you gotta stop blogging and go to second period and have to finish this later. which is exactly whats happening
Rock out like your back and you just watched the super bowl and green bay won!!
woot woot
rock out like you didn't capitalize the beginning of the line but you don't care cause your to cool for school
Rock out like you do care cause your to school for cool
Rock out like you just got out of the shower and there was a dry towel hanging right there and you didn't have to run to the laundry room wet and naked
Rock out like you found Chinese  in your fridge and it didn't have a name on it
Rock out like every clock is broken but every speakers bumpin
Rock out like black Michael Jackson
Rock out like white Michael Jackson's lawer
Rock out like your coming onto the 6th page of a 5 page paper
Rock out with your glass half full cause even though it's Monday, it's still pay day
Rock out like your just met Bill Murray and got zombie kill of the week
Rock out like you just went to that restaurant with the sign for the best pie in America, and they were right
Rock out like you've just spent the last half hour trying to come up with clever little positive situations that would cause you to rock out, and you've decided this was your last one.


  1. Love how creative it is and how you basically just told us exactly hat was going on right then and not just a whole lot of stuff the you thought of right on the spot, great way to show that there's plenty of times during the day to just ROCK OUT!!

  2. I love the line about Bill Murray and zombie kill of the week. That is my favorite movie.

  3. Dude, I completely lost it when i read: "Rock out like queen, journey, and meat loaf came together and wrote a ballad in Russian" because you're a complete GENIUS! that would be amazing!

  4. i love the line "rock out like you didn't capitalize the beginning of the line but you don't care cause your to cool for school"
    it's brilliant (:

  5. Haha, what do Italians rock out like exactly?

  6. wow way to be racist bobbi jane. hehe im just kiddin o you funny! no but for serious i have no clue what im talking about
